Photo Credits: Robert Lyon
Surfing is normally never associated with Miami Beach, but recently the wind and ocean currents have created perfect conditions for super dope waves. Seen here is local activist and engineer Michael Laas, at the break at 1st street beach. I met Michael when we worked together on a summer surf shop benefitting the Surfrider foundation, and instantly fell in love with his passion for surfing, local politics, and overall greatness.
I remember the first time i was taught to surf was in Surigao, one of the eastern most islands in the world (Philippines). I was staying in a small resort on the water, next to where they hold the "Big 10", and there was a group of Australian surfers sharing the second floor. One of them brought me out into the water to surf since I would be staying there for a month and needed something to do...Needless to say, i'm not the most coordinated person and I only managed to get up once. But I did try almost everyday for a week to no avail...yes if your wondering, he was H-O-T and I was waiting for him to see how much he was in love with me. Neither surfing or love worked out for me, but ever since that day I respected the passion and dedication it takes to surf.
Side Note: The board shown is a 6'4 Hobie Peter Pan Slug Fish (not kidding, that's the name)