MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! the very first Miami Rail Fundraiser is next Thursday, February 21st at 7:30PM at the home of one of Johnny Boy's favorite artists Christy Gast (image below of my first piece from her) and her anthropologist partner Melissa Memory. Expect home-cooked shrimp gumbo and cornbread, along with intelligent conversation, free flowing wine, and a chicken coup in back in case you don't eat seafood 🙂
Tickets are only $100 and space is limited to the first 20 guests. All dinner guests will receive a sneak preview of the upcoming Spring 2013 feature interview between Anne Pasternak, the president and artistic director of Creative Time and Silvia Karman Cubiñá, the executive director and chief curator of the Bass Museum. Please note that all proceeds benefit The Miami Rail and its ongoing mission of providing cultural criticism relevant to Miami. Your full donation amount is tax deductible.
To RSVP, email
To purchase tickets, click here, enter the amount of tickets desired, and select "Miami Rail Fund" from the drop-down menu.
Sidenote: the house is easy to find, just look for the hot pink house