I love crashing parties at art collector's homes, I really do. I venture into all the rooms, sit there with a drink and ponder, and ponder, and ponder. Then usually I'm asked to leave because while i'm pondering, i'm pretending that it's my house and start yelling at everyone to use coasters, to stop smoking indoors, and most importantly: why my drink is not refreshed.
Hopefully that won't be the case at Robert Blumenthal's home this Saturday, July 14th, but this is a pre-warning. The MAM Contemporaries are having their yearly fundraiser to get new members, or as they call it a 'friendraiser'. I want to have a 'moneyraiser' for Johnny Boy, who wants in? Ok, no one..but you should go to this event because supporting our local art scene is super important, and you get a live performance from Justin H. Long, along with some booze. Stop complaining that there's no culture in Miami and start building it, be part of the revolution!
If you want to attend, email: MAMcontemporaries@miamiartmuseum.org or call 305.375.1704 to get all the info...ask for Leann, she won't mind you calling and bothering her at all since she only has to facilitate the new museum opening and everything in between 🙂 Make sure to tell them Johnny Boy convinced you with unlimited sex + booze...I mean isn't that what all artists / contemporaries love?