Porn Nails Manicure got you to read this post didn't it 🙂  If your wondering what it is, you have to make an appt. at Locust Projects:
Make your free Porn Nails manicure appointment today!
August 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 25 from 12-2pm and 5-7pm
Contact 305-576-8570 or
It is actually part of a a collaborative project by Heather Miller & Rosemarie Romero titled Female Hu$tle. Expect titillating conversations on sex, love, the naked female anatomy, and art! The reception is on August 18th from 7pm - 9pm, but on view starting August 7th.  This reminds Johnny Boy of the Imperial Salon created by artist Dzine at the Standard Spa this past Art Basel Miami Beach.
Yep, you had me at “porn.” And then “manicure.” And then I just had to read on because how on God’s green earth do the two make sense together in the same sentence?